The Toothbrushing Unicorns and the Secret of Rainbows

The Toothbrushing Unicorns and the Secret of Rainbows

In a far-off land, there lived rainbow and sparkly unicorns. They had a special job – to paint and create the beautiful rainbows that we see after every rain. But unbeknownst to many, there was a secret behind how they created those breathtaking colors that sparkled in the sunshine. Miriam and Melanie were two young unicorns who were eager to join the ranks of the skilled painters. They were always curious to know how the rainbows were created and why they looked so vibrant. So they set out to find the secret behind their creation. One day, while they were out playing in the sunshine, they met an old, wise unicorn named How. How was very knowledgeable about the creation of rainbows, so they decided to ask him. They asked him how the unicorns painted those beautiful colors and made them sparkle. How looked at them and smiled, "Well, my little friends, the secret is brushing your teeth properly." Miriam and Melanie were taken aback, "What? Brushing our teeth? How does that help with painting rainbows?" How nodded sagely, "Yes, brushing your teeth properly helps keep them healthy, which keeps your body healthy. And when you're healthy, your magic is healthy, which makes your painting and creation of rainbows much more vibrant and beautiful." Miriam and Melanie thought about what How had said for a while. And they realized that he was right! Health was very important for everything, even magic. So they went back home and started to brush their teeth properly. They made sure to brush for two minutes, twice a day, with circular motions – just like How had suggested. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Miriam and Melanie could feel and see the difference in their magic. They were stronger than ever, and their painting had become more vivid and vibrant. They had finally figured out the secret behind how to create the perfect rainbow – by keeping their magic healthy. And so, Miriam and Melanie continued to paint rainbows, each one more beautiful than the last. They found satisfaction in knowing that their magic was healthy and that they were using it to make the world a more beautiful place – one rainbow at a time. From that day onwards, they lived their lives making sure to brush their teeth properly every day, even if they already knew how to do it before. And to this day, they continue to create rainbows that sparkle in the sunshine and make us all smile, while always keeping their magic healthy.

The End