Easton, the Gummy Worm-loving Dinosaur Who Stood Up for What's Right

Easton, the Gummy Worm-loving Dinosaur Who Stood Up for What's Right

Easton the little dinosaur loved gummy worms more than anything in the whole wide world. His tiny arms would stretch as far as they could reach just to grab a handful of the chewy candy. He would gobble them up greedily, chewing as fast as he could with a big grin on his face. One day, while playing in the open fields, Easton saw a daddy turtle and his baby turtle walking along the path. They were moving slowly, but surely towards a small pond nearby. Easton decided to follow them and see what they were up to. He snuck up behind them, being as quiet as he could. As he peeked over the edge of the path, he saw that the daddy turtle and baby turtle were very angry with each other. The daddy turtle was grumbling about how slow the baby turtle was moving, while the baby turtle was upset that he couldn't keep up with his father. The argument was getting heated, and before Easton knew it, the daddy turtle had hit the baby turtle on the head with his shell! Easton was shocked. He had never seen such a thing before. He knew that hitting was wrong and that it would only make the situation worse. So, Easton decided to step in and help. He waddled up to the daddy turtle and said, "Sir, hitting your baby turtle is not the answer. When we are angry, we should not hit." The daddy turtle looked at Easton, his face twisted with anger. But Easton stood firm, determined to teach the daddy turtle a lesson. "All you are doing is making the situation worse," Easton continued. "You need to talk to your baby turtle and find out what's wrong. Maybe he needs a break or a snack. Maybe he's just tired and needs a rest." The daddy turtle looked at Easton, and then at his baby turtle. He realized that Easton was right. Hitting wasn't the answer. Talking was. So, the daddy turtle and his baby turtle talked it out, and soon enough, they were walking along the path once again, but this time, they were happy and smiling. Easton was proud of himself. He had taught the daddy turtle an important lesson. But he was also happy because he had learned a valuable lesson himself. Sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of courage to stand up for what's right and make a difference. And that's exactly what Easton did.

The End