Goldie and the Three Bears: A Magical Adventure
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a little girl named Goldie. She had long curly hair, bright brown eyes and a smile that would light up the whole room. One sunny day, while taking a walk through the enchanted forest, Goldie stumbled upon a little cottage that was not far away. The door was open, and she could smell something delicious coming from inside. Being a curious little girl, she walked inside to see who lived there.
As soon as she came in, she saw three bowls of porridge on the kitchen table. One was big, one was medium, and one was small. Goldie couldn't resist trying them out, and she tasted the porridge from the big bowl, but it was too hot. The medium-sized bowl was too cold, but the small bowl was just right! So, she gobbled it all up without thinking twice.
After gobbling up the porridge, Goldie decided to go for a nap, and she saw three beds in the room. One was big, one was medium, and the other was small. She tested the big bed first, but it was too hard. The medium-sized bed was too soft, but to her surprise, the small bed was just right! She snuggled up in bed and dozed off.
Suddenly, she woke up to the sound of footsteps. Three bears had returned home! Goldie was so frightened that she ran out the door and into the forest. As she ran, she tripped on a stone and fell on the ground. What she didn't realize was that she had landed on a magical mushroom!
In a funny twist of fate, as Goldie stood up, she realized she had turned into a little bear cub herself! As she realized what had happened, the three bears caught up and found Goldie, now looking like one of the family.
Feeling amazed, they took her in as their own and made sure she always had plenty to eat and was safe in the forest. Goldie learned her lesson that day to never take what doesn't belong to her, and she stayed with her new family forever after!
And so, the moral of the story is not to take what isn't yours, as you may get more than you bargained for in the end.
The End