The Tooth Fairy Meets a Dino-teddy!

The Tooth Fairy Meets a Dino-teddy!

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a tooth fairy who loved collecting teeth from children who had lost them. She had a tiny wand, a pink tutu and wings that shone in the moonlight. One night, whilst flying back home, she saw a shadow lurking behind a tree. It wasn't a shadow, it was a dinosaur! Not just any dinosaur, this was a huge, green and scaly dino! The tooth fairy gasped with surprise. "What are you doing here?" asked the tooth fairy. "I am lost," replied the dinosaur. "I was looking for the dinosaur museum but I can't find my way!" The tooth fairy decided to help the dinosaur find his way. As they walked through the woods, they met lots of other animals. They met an owl who hooted a tune, a fox who wasn't very clever, and a hare who was very quick. Each time they met an animal, the dinosaur would roar so loudly that the animals would run away in a panic. The tooth fairy was getting worried. "Please stop roaring, everyone is afraid!" she said to the dinosaur. "I'm sorry, I can't help it," replied the dinosaur. "I'm a little bit grumpy because I feel lost." Suddenly, the tooth fairy had an idea. "Just wait here, I’ll be right back." She quickly flew off and came back with a map of the place. "Here," she said, "Let's follow this map." The dinosaur was delighted. Finally, they found the museum and when they walked in, they saw that it was full of other dinosaurs! The tooth fairy looked over at the dinosaur and gasped. "You're not a dinosaur! You're a great, big, grumpy, snoring teddy bear!" The teddy bear opened its eyes, yawned and said, "That was the best nap I've ever had." The tooth fairy and the teddy bear laughed so hard that tears were streaming down their faces. Moral of the story: Always expect the unexpected, because sometimes even a scary dinosaur could turn out to be just a teddy bear who needs a nap!

The End