Wishing on a Shooting Star

Wishing on a Shooting Star

Stella loved her big sister Lizzy. They played together, giggled together, and went on adventures together. But one day, Lizzy told Stella some exciting news. She was going to college! Stella felt a mix of happy and sad inside. She was happy for Lizzy because she knew college was a big step. But she was also sad because it meant Lizzy would be leaving home. Stella didn't want Lizzy to go away. As the days went by, Stella helped Lizzy pack her things. They sorted through clothes, books, and toys. Stella tried to be brave, but her heart felt heavy. She didn't want her sister to leave. On the day of Lizzy's departure, Stella hugged her tightly. "I'll miss you so much," Stella whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. Lizzy hugged her back and said, "I'll miss you too, Stella. But remember, even though I'll be far away, I'll always be your big sister." Stella nodded, trying to be strong. She knew Lizzy would always be there for her, even if they weren't in the same house anymore. Days turned into weeks, and Stella found new ways to fill her days. She played with her toys, read books, and made new friends at the playground. But there were moments when she felt lonely and wished Lizzy was there. One evening, as Stella sat on the porch watching the sunset, she saw a shooting star streak across the sky. She closed her eyes and made a wish with all her might. "I wish Lizzy could visit me!" The very next day, a surprise arrived in the mail. It was a postcard from Lizzy! Stella's eyes sparkled with joy as she read the kind words Lizzy had written. And then, a few weeks later, Stella's wish came true. Lizzy came home for a visit! Stella and Lizzy spent the whole day together, laughing and playing just like they used to. Stella realized that even though Lizzy wasn't there every day, their bond as sisters was as strong as ever. As Lizzy packed her bags to return to college, Stella felt a warm glow in her heart. She knew that even though they were apart, they would always be connected. Stella waved goodbye to Lizzy, feeling grateful for the time they had shared. From that day forward, Stella understood that even when things change, love and family remain constant. And she looked forward to the next time Lizzy would come home to visit, knowing that their bond would never fade.

The End