The Thanksgiving Turkey Adventure

The Thanksgiving Turkey Adventure

Mamadou sat on the porch, his beautiful brown eyes filled with worry. Thanksgiving was just around the corner, and his mom had announced that she was going to cook Jenkins, their pet turkey. Mamadou couldn't believe it! Mamadou rushed over to the backyard where Jenkins was happily gobbling away. "Thomas," he said, addressing his best friend who happened to be his pet rabbit, "we have to hide Jenkins. Mom said she was going to cook him for Thanksgiving." Thomas, who had the unique ability to talk but only to Mamadou, hopped over to join him. "Jenkins is our turkey, Mamadou," Thomas replied, concern in his little rabbit voice. "I mean, I know he's a turkey, but he's part of our family." With determination in their eyes, Mamadou and Thomas set out on a mission to save Jenkins. They first tried hiding him in the dog house, thinking that the dog, Max, would protect him. But Max, being a mischievous pup, saw Jenkins as a delicious treat and tried to eat him. Undeterred, Mamadou and Thomas continued their quest. They hid Jenkins in the shed, behind the flower pots, and even in the laundry room. But every time they thought they found a safe place, Jenkins would wander away, not understanding the danger that awaited him.
The Thanksgiving Turkey Adventure
Mamadou and Thomas grew frustrated but couldn't help but laugh at Jenkins' antics. It seemed that no matter where they hid him, something would try to eat him, attack him, chase him or he just came out on his own. It became a hilarious game of cat and mouse, or rather, rabbit and turkey. As Thanksgiving approached, Mamadou realized that they needed to come up with a foolproof plan. He brainstormed with Thomas, who always had clever ideas. They decided to dress Jenkins up as a duck. They put a duck beak on him and made beautiful duck feathers and sewed them onto a suit for him to wear. Now mom won't be able to find him and cook him. Thanksgiving day finally arrived and the house smelled wonderful. As everyone gathered around, mom carried in a giant covered platter and placed it in the middle of the table. She looked around at everyone and apologized in her sweet voice that they wouldn't be having turkey this year as their turkey had disappeared, but she was able to make a delicious duck. Seems one was just running around their yard and she was able to catch it. Mamadou's big brown eyes filled with tears, but before one tear dropped, mom pulled off the covered lid and said, "gotcha!" It was a platter of KFC. Everyone cheered and Mamadou chuckled. Their family loved KFC. "How did you know?" asked Mamadou. Mom laughed and said that each day she saw him try to hide Jenkins, and then one day dress him up. She just wished he had come to her and told her how he felt, but then added, "of course then I would've missed all of the fun." And so, that Thanksgiving, Mamadou and his family enjoyed a delicious meal of KFC, laughing and sharing stories around the table. Jenkins, now knowing how much he meant to Mamadou, gobbled happily in the backyard, grateful to be part of their loving family. Mamadou learned that sometimes, it's important to share our worries and concerns with the people we love, for they may have a clever solution or a surprise waiting for us. And so, Mamadou and Jenkins lived happily ever after, knowing they were loved and cherished.

The End