The Kind-hearted Duckling

The Kind-hearted Duckling

Once there was a little duckling named Daffy. Daffy loved to explore the pond and play with his friends. One day, Daffy heard a big, loud noise. "F*CK!" said the big, scary goose. Daffy didn't know what the word meant, but he knew it wasn't a nice word. Daffy waddled over to his mama and asked her about the word. Mama duck explained that it was a word that should not be said. It was a word that could hurt someone's feelings. Daffy nodded and promised his mama that he would never say that word. From that day on, Daffy made sure to use kind words. He said "quack" and "hello" to his friends. Daffy learned that using mean words could make others feel sad. He also learned that using kind words could make others feel happy. As Daffy grew, he became known as the nicest duckling in the pond. He always used kind words and made everyone feel welcome. Daffy's friends loved him for his kind heart and loving nature. The moral of the story is to always use kind words. Saying mean or hurtful things can hurt others, but using kind words can make a big difference in someone's day.

The End