The Rainbow Journey: Alma's Colorful Adventure

The Rainbow Journey: Alma's Colorful Adventure

There was a unicorn named Alma who loved to play in the colorful meadow. She had a friend named Tadeho who was a wise old owl. One day, Alma woke up and realized that she had lost all her colors! She didn't know what to do because she didn't even know the names of the colors. Alma went to Tadeho and asked for help. Tadeho listened carefully and then said, "Don't worry, Alma. I will help you find your colors. But first, we need to learn the names of the colors." Tadeho took Alma on a journey through the meadow, pointing out the different colors of the flowers, trees, and sky. He taught Alma the names of the colors - red, yellow, blue, green, and more. Alma was so happy to learn about all the beautiful colors around her. They searched high and low, and finally, they found a rainbow. Tadeho told Alma that the rainbow had all the colors she had lost. They waited until the rainbow came closer to the ground, and then Alma touched it. As soon as she did, all her colors came back! Alma was overjoyed. She thanked Tadeho for helping her and teaching her about the colors. From that day on, she knew all the colors by heart and appreciated them even more. The moral of the story is that it's important to ask for help when you need it, and that learning new things, like the names of colors, can be fun and helpful. Alma and Tadeho were happy to have found all the colors, and they celebrated by dancing in the meadow, surrounded by the beautiful colors they had found.

The End