Coco's Special Nest

Coco's Special Nest

Once, there was a little brown chicken named Coco. Coco lived on a farm with lots of other animals, but she was the only brown chicken. She loved pecking at the ground and flapping her wings in the sunshine. One day, Coco noticed that the other chickens were all getting attention from the farmer. They were getting special treats and pats on the head. Coco felt left out and a little sad. She decided to try to stand out and get some attention too. So, she practiced laying her eggs in different spots around the farm. She laid one in the hay, one in the cow barn, and even one in the pigsty. But no matter where she laid her eggs, the farmer never found them. Coco was starting to feel even sadder. She didn't understand why the farmer didn't notice her like he noticed the other chickens. Then, one day, Coco had an idea. She decided to lay her eggs in a special nest she made in the corner of the chicken coop. She lined the nest with soft feathers and twigs to make it extra cozy. The next morning, when the farmer came to collect the eggs, he noticed the special nest and the beautiful brown eggs inside. He was so impressed with Coco's hard work and creativity that he gave her extra treats and lots of attention. Coco realized that she didn't need to try to be like the other chickens to get noticed. She just had to be herself and do her best. From that day on, Coco was the happiest and proudest little brown chicken on the farm. And the moral of the story is: It's important to be yourself and do your best, because that's what makes you special.

The End