The Long Tail Road Trip to Disney World

The Long Tail Road Trip to Disney World

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a little girl named Megan. She lived with her parents in a small town in Ohio. Megan was very excited because she was going to Disney World in Florida with her family. Megan’s mom and dad had packed the car with everything they needed for their road trip. They had snacks, drinks, games and even pillows to take naps. Megan was sitting in the back seat of the car, playing with her dolls and staring out of the window. “That’s a long time to be in a car,” Megan thought to herself. “I hope we can get there soon.” As the car drove on, Megan started to feel a bit restless. Her mom gave her a book to read, but she had already read it. Her dad then put on some music, but it was not Megan’s favorite. After a while, Megan started to get bored. “Oh, this is boring,” Megan sighed. “I wish something exciting would happen.” Suddenly, the car started making a funny noise. Megan’s dad pulled over to the side of the road to check the car. “Oh no, what’s wrong?” Megan asked. “Don’t worry, Megan. We’ll be back on the road in no time,” her dad reassured her. While Megan’s dad looked at the engine, Megan and her mom decided to take a nap. As they slept, a funny thing happened. When Megan woke up, she realized that she had grown a long tail! “Mom, wake up!” she shouted. “Look at my tail!” Megan’s mom looked in the rearview mirror and couldn’t believe her eyes. Megan’s tail had grown so long that it was now wrapped around her car seat! “Oh my goodness,” Megan’s mom exclaimed. “We have to get this fixed right away!” Just then, Megan’s dad had finished fixing the car. He got in the car and started driving again. All of a sudden, he heard a funny noise coming from the back seat. “Megan, what’s that noise?” he asked. “It’s my long tail,” Megan replied, giggling. “It keeps hitting the window!” Megan’s parents couldn’t believe what they were seeing. They had never seen anything like it before! As they continued on their journey, Megan’s tail got longer and longer. Everyone they passed on the road would point and stare. Some even took pictures! Finally, they arrived at Disney World. When they got out of the car, Megan’s tail was so long that it tripped up one of the people working at the park. “Excuse me,” the man said, getting up. “What is that thing trailing behind you?” “Oh, that’s Megan’s tail,” her mom explained. “We’re not quite sure how it got there.” After an examination, the doctors concluded that Megan had caught a rare case of Tailiosis, a disease that caused a tail to grow from behind! Luckily, there was a cure for it- Kacey. Megan took the Kacey medicine and within minutes, her tail had disappeared. Megan’s family had a great time at Disney World and they all talked about the funny experience on the way back home. They took turns taking naps, recalling the wild story that had happened in the car. And that's the moral, my dears: Take naps on your road trip! You never know what might happen while you're resting.

The End