The Crazy Castle Crew's Twisted Wishes

The Crazy Castle Crew's Twisted Wishes

Once upon a time, there was a person named SMG4. He always wore a cap and a work overall. He lived in a castle with his crazy friends, Mario, Luigi, Meggy, SMG3, Bob, and Waluigi. They were all unique characters in their own way. One day, while SMG4 and his friends were playing hide and seek, they stumbled upon a hidden room in the castle. The room was filled with strange objects that they had never seen before. But the most curious thing was a giant box that was locked tightly. Of course, being the nosy bunch they were, they all tried to open the box. They used their strength and all sorts of gadgets, but nothing worked. That is until SMG4 had an idea. He remembered the old saying, "Sometimes the key to success is to use your head." So, he thought about it and came up with an idea. He grabbed a nearby hammer and hit the box with all his might, and to their surprise, the box magically opened. Inside the box was a magical fairy who granted them their deepest wishes. But of course, being the crazy friends they were, they all wished for something extravagant, like infinite pizza or a lifetime supply of video games. However, the fairy was wise and knew that these wishes were not what they truly wanted, and so she twisted their wishes in an unexpected way. Mario wished for infinite pizza, but the fairy made him shrink to the size of a pizza, Luigi wished for a lifetime supply of video games, but the fairy made him trapped in a video game, Meggy wished to be a mermaid, but the fairy turned her into a squid, SMG3 wished to be the ruler of the castle, but the fairy made him a servant, Bob wished for a large nose, but the fairy gave him a nose so big that he could no longer speak properly, and Waluigi wished for a palace, but the fairy turned him into a frog who lived in a small pond. They were all shocked and disappointed with their wishes, but then they realized that they had each other and their friendship. They had learned that their true happiness couldn't be found in material possessions, but in the bonds of friendship. So, they went on to live their crazy lives in the castle, but this time with a new appreciation for each other. In the end, they all learned that true happiness could never be found in material possessions, but in the bonds of friendship. And that sometimes the best wishes are the ones that we already have. The end.

The End